Monday, May 10, 2010

Lavender tea

original aticle:

It is said that every gardener sooner or later succumbs to the urge to grow this plant due to its romances. It is also said that if you don't know what essential oil to use-- use diluted lavender oil would be a safe choice--except the pregnant women.(it causes the contraction of uterus).

However, we will focus on the benefits of lavender tea and the most common and efficient usages of lavender such as bathing, soothing stressed feelings...

Lavender herbal tea
The most benefit of lavender may be the comforting smell that smooth the upset feelings, stomaches, bowl movements, and headaches. To make lavender tea, simply infuse a handful of dried lavender blossoms in a pot of boiling water. Let the tea steep for about 7 to 10 minutes. Then strain and enjoy.
It is said that inhaling the steam of a hot lavender tea can help us clear the airways from the nose to the lungs.

Lavender baths
Besides the lavender tea, lavender is a top choice for taking a bath.
It is just so wonderful to lie down in the hot water full of lavender smell and dried leaves--through the imagination I am relax and comforted already! It is a perfect way to cleanse and rejuvenate the body and spirit.
Lavender is a plant famous in anti-bacteria and anti-fungal through the history.
Its reputation may have increased during the Great Plague in London in the 17th century, when it was suggested that a bunch of lavender fastened to each wrist would protect the wearer against the deadly disease.
Lavender baths have healing qualities especially for the skin.
It can be used on any type of skin and is a anti-inflammatory, skin-regenerator, antifungal, anti- bacterial, deodorizer, analgesic, relaxing, helps prevent scars, helps boost the immunity system and it smells fabulous.
Indeed, taking a lavender bath is the most wise choice both for mentally and physically--especially those pretty women who cares mostly about the texture of their skins. :)

Fantastic way to bring lavender and smell it in every single moment~~~~ little lavender pillow

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Mint, a genus of strongly-scented herbs, some of them are used in flavoring.
Plant family for mint is called "Lamiaceae (mint family)".
We are going to introduce peppermint, as the most common mint seen in Taiwan.
Actually, you can even find it in the container in front the restaurant in 介仁campus of Tzu Chi university.
By thinking of this plant, it makes me refreshing and watering at the same time.
Refreshing by its fresh smell; watering, the cooking.
Peppermint can be used in tea and cooking: it smells pure and refreshing; tastes, pungent and burning.
Below is a vedio showing how to use peppermint in different ways.(especially in cuisines)

Mint in Kitchen
Hints for using peppermint in kitchen
- Spice Up Your Vegetables: Put mint in water used to steam vegetables.
- Mint tea: To make peppermint tea, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
- Minty potatoes: Mix chopped mint with butter for boiled new potatoes (or with parsley or dill).
- Minty rice: Toss whole mint leaves in cooked rice before serving.
- Mint Ice Cubes: Freeze whole mint leaves in ice cubes for tea or lemonade.
- Minty Salad Dressing: Make salad dressing with mint, lemon juice, vinegar and a light oil.
- Spice up your tuna: Chop spearmint and mix with olive oil and use as a marinade for fresh tuna. Marinate 30 minutes, grill.

Mythologic Story
It has the story in Greek Mythology as well.
According to the legend, Minthe originally was
a nymph, and Pluto's lover. When his wife Persephone found out, in a fit of rage she turned Minthe into a lowly plant, to be trod upon. Pluto could not undo the spell, but softened the spell by giving her a sweet scent which would perfume the air when her leaves were stepped upon.
Wow...So, next time when you tread on the mint plant accidently, make sure you know
that is a spelled nymph, crying and wishing to be seen.

Growing Mint
Most of the time you will be trying to keep it tidy.
Mints are easily grown in bushes, and it takes effort to make them tidy.
The quotation here best describes the situation "Growing mint is a simple proposition; it is keeping it from taking over the garden that takes work."
Given medium rich, moist soil and shade to dappled sunlight, mint will thrive and soon form a lush, thick carpet.

Harvesting Mint
When you cut it, cut all the way back to ground. Cut it before its flowering--
Remember that when a herb is flowering it is not making lots of nice leaves to cook with.

Uses for Health
Peppermint is the mint of choice for medicinal purposes. Recently more and more health care professionals are acknowledging the health benefits of many herbs and essential oils. In fact, a quarter of all pharmaceuticals contain botanicals.
Peppermints are high in mineral vitamin A & C; and applied to numerous treatments in our daily life.

- The menthol(薄荷腦) in peppermint soothes the lining of the digestive tract
A hot cup of herbal tea is an excellent way to settle your stomach after a big meal.
- Peppermint is an excellent breath freshener. When using peppermint tea as a breath freshener, increase the effectiveness by adding a pinch of anise, caraway or cinnamon. Mint is also a good remedy for gingivitis(齒齦炎).
- have the calming, sedative effect.
- Peppermint and its relatives are mostly known as a medicine and popular herbs for infusions(泡浸). Menthol vapors are famous for relieving nasal(鼻), sinus(竇) and chest congestion(肺積水). Remember those mintysmelling ointments your mother rubbed on your chest when you were a child with a cold? You can also get relief with a steaming cup of peppermint tea. For a more effective cold remedy, combine
peppermint with elder flower and yarrow(蓍草).
- For a hacking cough(急促乾咳), drink 3 to four cups of cool peppermint tea throughout the day, taking a sip every 15 to 30 minutes.
- Digestion problems/ Nausea/ Excess Gas: One drop of essential oil in a glass of water, or on a sugar cube, taken orally.
- Colic: Traditional therapy is to make a peppermint tea, but be cautious with infants because the strong menthol could possibly cause a choking reaction.
- Tension Headaches: 1-2 drops in carrier oil applied to temples(太陽穴) when headache starts and once an hour after, if needed. Some people might find it more effective to apply a drop behind each ear.
- Mental Fatigue: Mint is a stimulant similar to caffeine, but won't cause jitters. Try a little drop at the back of the tongue.
Mint is also known for lifting the mood, bringing cheer. Also throughout history has been used in cases of hysteria and shock.
- Essential peppermint oil is anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-reducer), and a counterirritant.
- work in healing skin conditions.

--to monitor the first application for signs of sensitivity.
--Peppermint tea in considered safe, but remember that truly pure essential oil is 75 to 100 times more concentrated than dried herbs (as in tea bags). One-2 drops of oil in hot water is very powerful.
--Be sure not to get any into contact with your eyes.

PS: Where you can get fresh peppermints for free?
In front of the 吉安農會,there is an botanic garden full of various herbs.
It is set by 花蓮改良場,and it is okay to take a few free picks.
(They will understand it~~)

Monday, April 12, 2010

rose tea

What's the impression while thinking of rose?
Well, people usually give this perennial shrub an fantastic and romantic imagination.
I have learned that roses have another beautiful name--"givings from angels".(天使的贈與) It can be seen as a major reason I introduce them here. :P

Uses for Health
However,besides these imagination and fantastic names, people easily fail to recognize roses its health benefits. In the article above, it mentioned that rose tea is the most beneficial drink that has been reported. Nadine Taylor, who published the book rose tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, says that rose tea has been used as a medicine in China at least 4000 years.

Hard evidence
And rose tea do have a variety of evidences proving its health benefits.
Scientists around the world are providing evidences for the health benefits associated with drinking rose tea.
For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking rose tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers have recently found a compound in rose tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
A research also indicates drinking rose tea lower total cholesterol level...etc.

What makes them so special and beneficial to our body?
Well, the secret lies in catechin(兒茶素).
Roses contain a very rich catechin polyphenols and EGCG: functions mainly as powerful anti-oxidant. Besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills the cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It is also effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels; inhibiting abnormal blood clots--the latter plays additional important role to people who afraid of heart attacks and stroke.
In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol(白藜蘆醇)--which prevents French from having heart diseases.

How to plant rose?
Using "Cutting":To take a branch fresh off the plant and plant it in soil

Harmful effects?
And as for harmful Effects? Well, to date, the only negative side effect reported from drinking rose tea is insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine. However, rose tea contains less caffeine than coffee: 30-60mg (in rose tea) v.s 100mg (in coffee)

PS. Where you can buy cheap dried rose with high quality in Hualien?
The answer lies in 中山路 in front of 鐵道. The shop is called 萬安堂.
cost:100 NT dollars.
products(rose tea)from: France.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

knowing & using rosemary

original article

While enjoying your rosemary tea, why not sit down and know more about its story.
"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance."
-- Shakespeare's Hamlet to Ophelia

Why called "rosemary":
The botanical name for rosemary is derived from the old Latin for "dew of the sea"--
a reference to its pale blue dew-like flower and the fact that it is often grown near the sea. It is a symbol of remembrance and friendship.

Now view the description of rosemary~
Rosemary is an ever green shrub with needle-like leaves. Its blue flowers last through spring and summer in a warm and humid environment.It will grow to a height of between 3 and 5 feet.

The Romance of Rosemary

The ancient perennial's legend grew in the 14th century; 72-year-old Queen Elizabeth of Hungary used it as a treatment to her rheumatism and gout, and enhanced her health and beauty, even fanned the passion of 26-year-old King of Poland who requested her hand in marriage. It became known as Hungary water and the aide of beauty for women for hundreds of years.

Ancient Romans and Greeks are familiar with this shrub as well. They thought it would improve their memories and rejuvenate their spirits. Greek scholars wore garlands of rosemary during examinations in order to improve their memory and concentration.

While Christians called rosemary "Holy Herb" and associated it with Mary, who, according to Spanish legend, drops her cloak over a rosemary bush while on Holy Family's flight to Egypt, turning the color of rosemary blossoms from white color to blue.

How to grow them (cultivation):
It can be grown from seeds, cuttings, and layer.
Choose a sheltered position and a well-drained soil, and allow the plant lots of sun. In a warm climate it could remain in the same location up to 30 years.
You can start planting them by "Cutting":To take a branch fresh off the plant and plant it in soil

Uses for Health
Congratulations!! You might be reducing the risk of cancer already...
Rosemaries are frequent used in preventing cancers, cosmetic uses, and culinary uses.
A professor showed that applying rosemary oil to the skin of experimental animals reduced the risk of cancer to half that found in the animals that did not receive application of oil. Besides, other studies show that animals whose diets contained rosemary oils have half the incidence of colon cancer or lung cancer and breast cancer compared with animals not eating rosemary.
However, researchers pointed out that rosemary oils should not be taken internally.
Use a tea instead.
Pregnant women should not use rosemary medicinally, although it's okay to use it as a seasoning.

Rosemary used in cooking:

remembrance--回憶起的往事--There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.
pale--(淡的)顏色--it's pale blue color
shrub--矮樹 灌木--Rosemary is an ever green shrub.
well-drained --通水良好的--Choose a well-drained soil
Hungary--匈牙利--Elizabeth is the queen of Hungary.
rejuvenate--變年輕--They believed that rosemary would rejuvenate their spirits.
aide--助手--Rosemary is the aide of beauty for women through hundreds of years.
enhanced--增大的--Taking rosemary shower has enhanced the beauty and health of Queen Elizabeth.
gout--痛風--She suffered from gout for many years.
rheumatism--風濕病--She used rosemary as the medicine for rheumatism.
tonic--生髮水--Some people used rosemary as the tonic or stimulant.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

episode 1--where you can get free rosemary

After you got the materials, you can wash them gently and flush it with boil water(just like the pictures). It's now the time to relax your mind and take easy with everything.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Introduction and expectations

I have studied a course helping us know plants associating with human beings when I was a junior.
I was so happy and had much fun being near with those herbs; plucked it delicately, smelled at it, washed it gently,(sometimes hydrated it) and flushed it with hot water.
Occasionally, I put them into tea bags and presented them to dear friends who are as precious as my presents.
I thought my presents are as unique as them are.(They think otherwise, though)

My little expectations toward this aromatic blog is--to enjoy it, and to make herbs into your lifelong friends.

And this is what I am going to make you are.